NUJI will intensify its struggle to create a better environment for journalists in the country: Ras Bihari(Detail Page)

NUJI will intensify its struggle to create a better environment for journalists in the country: Ras Bihari

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NUJI will intensify its struggle to create a better environment for journalists in the country: Ras Bihari
NUJI's 53rd Foundation Day celebrated with great pomp at the central office in Delhi
New Delhi, January 23, 2025. The 53rd Foundation Day of the country's largest journalist organization, the National Union of Journalists, India, was celebrated with great pomp at the central office in Jantar Mantar, Delhi. On this occasion, NUJI National President Ras Bihari threw light on the role of the organization during the Emergency. Ras Bihari said that we have been continuously demanding from the government for the protection of journalists and their rights. He said that our main demands include Journalist Protection Act, formation of Media Commission, National Register of Journalists. NUJI and its affiliated state units have been frequently organizing workshops, seminars, discussions to help journalists meet the challenges of new technologies in journalism, to familiarize them with new technologies, to improve their professional skills. He said that NUJI has always been in favour of editorial freedom and has been in the forefront of the struggle to keep it above the commercial interests of newspaper owners. He said that after the new government came to power in March 1977, NUJI insisted on the renewal of the board or the formation of a tribunal. Only then did the Janata Party government pass an Act of Parliament to form a tribunal. NUJI presented a lot of evidence before the government. He said that former NUJI President late Meenakshi Sundaram herself appeared before the tribunal to argue the case of working journalists. Justice Palekar had acknowledged the contribution of NUJI.
On this occasion, Delhi Journalist Association President Rakesh Thapliyal and General Secretary Pramod Kumar Singh congratulated the journalists present and said that it is a matter of great joy that the organization has always played a positive role for journalists and journalism. He expressed happiness that NUJI President Ras Bihari, Sachin Budholia and Shriram Joshi have been included in the restructuring committee of the Central Media Accreditation Committee (CMAC) of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for a period of two years (2025-27). The journalists present also congratulated the newly elected members of CMAC. On this occasion, NUJI Election Commission member Ashok Kinkar, NUJI Secretary Amlesh Raju, NUJ Executive member Manoj Verma, DJA Treasurer Naresh Gupta, NUJI Women Wing Coordinator Pratibha Shukla, member Anita Chaudhary, DJA Executive members Nivedita Madane, Dr. Ashok Barthwal, Naveen Gautam, Pradeep Srivastava, Rajesh Bhasin, Alok Mohan Nayak, Amit Gaur, Manvendra Kumar, Sushil Dev, Krishna Kumar Tiwari and dozens of journalists were present. He thanked all the journalists and said that he will fight fiercely from the streets to the corridors of power for the benefit of journalists and will convey the problems of common journalists to the people sitting at the top in power and will get them resolved.

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