Demand for strong action against culprits, who beat up scribes in Tripura(Detail Page)

Demand for strong action against culprits, who beat up scribes in Tripura

National Union of Journalist(I)
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New Delhi, Sep 11, 2024. The National Union of Journalists India has demanded strict action against the culprits behind the misbehavior and brutally attacked of Four Tripura journalists on Monday. According to reports, six journalists were heading towards the Chandrapur Inter-State Bus Terminus around 1 a.m. when their motorcycle was blocked by a four-wheeler. The occupants of the vehicle, armed with weapons, attacked the journalists without warning.

Ras Bihari, President of National Union of Journalists (India) strongly condemned the brutal attacks on scribes in Tripura. He said said that in democracy there is freedom to show the real picture. He said that cases of attacks on media persons would also be taken up in the Press Council of India. A memorandum will soon be submitted to the Union Home Minister regarding the increasing attacks on journalists, demanding action against the culprits. Ras Bihari said that any kind of attack against media persons couldn’t be tolerated and We strongly condemn this incident.

Though the journalists identified three of the attackers Sukanta Debnath, Akash Banik, and Sourav Bhattacharya, the others remain unidentified. The attackers also robbed the journalists, taking cash, gold ornaments, damaging two mobile phones and a camera.

Prasenjit Bhattacharjee, Bijoy Singha Roy, Pranab Shil, and Mihir Sarkar are already filed FIR and described the attack as a targeted assault. They were ambushed by a group of armed miscreants while on duty. Although they managed to escape with injuries, they threatened us with further violence in the future also.




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