May 12, 2020
Shri Prakash Javadekar
Hon’ble Union Minister for Informationa & Broadcasting,
Government of India
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
This is with reference to media reports published in few newspapers on ‘Fake News’ and your views in a webinar organised on the occasion of NARAD JAYANTI at New Delhi under the banner of National Union of Journalists (India) on May 10, 2020. We are surprised to see the news as it is not organised by the genuine body of our Union and the persons organized the above programme are no way connected with this respected body of scribes.
For your kind information the National Union of Journalists (India) in short (NUJ(I) his presently headed by Shri Ras Bihari as President and Shri Prasanna Mohanty as Secretary General. It is an umbrella organisation of working journalists fighting for the cause of journalism and scribes since it’s inspection in the year of 1972. It has 24 State units having more than 20000 members on its roll. It is recognised by and affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Brussels, Belgium.
We are sorry to draw your kind attention that the above event which was organised under the banner of NUJ(I) has nothing do with our organisation. The persons claiming to be the office bearers of NUJ(I) have utilised your office by providing falsely information. They are no more associated with our organisation. NUJ(I) has already initiated legal proceedings against those persons for their anti union activities with prayer before the court to restrain them from misusing the union banner. It has come to our knowledge that such type of people are fraudulently misusing the of name of NUJ ((I) with ulterior motive. It may be further clarified that one Mr. Manoj Verma, claiming to be the Secretary General NJU(I) and his associates Rakesh Arya and Anurag Punetha whose names are there in the newspapers are having no relationship with the original body. On many occasions they are found to misutilising our union banner.
You are therefore requested, not to encourage such elements in future which may unnecessarily create more confusions. The list of newly elected office bearers of the organisation is attached here with for your kind information.
Thanking you
With Best Regards
Prasanna Mohanty
Secretary General
National Union of Journalists (India)