The recommendations of the Majithia Wage Boards were accepted by the Government of India on 25th October, 2011 and notified vide S.O. no. 2532 (E) dated 11th November, 2011 in the Gazette of India. A copy of the Order is reproduced below:
New Delhi, dated the 11th November, 2011.
S. O. 2532 (E). – Whereas, for the purpose of enabling the Central Government to fix or revise rates of wages for working Journalists and non-journalist newspaper employees, two Wage Boards were constituted under section 9 and section 13C of the Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 (45 of 1955) on the 24th May, 2007 by the notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment numbers S. O. 809 (E) and 810 (E) dated the 24th May, 2007 respectively;
And, Whereas, the Wage Boards were given three years’ time to submit their Reports to the Central Government vide notifications in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) S. O. Nos. 1066 (E) and 1067 (E) dated 3rd July 2007. The term of the Wage Boards for submitting the Reports was extended up to 31st December, 2010 vide notifications numbers S.O 1304(E) and S.O 1305(E) dated 2nd June, 2010;
And Whereas, the said Wage Boards submitted their recommendations to the Central Government on the 31st day of December, 2010;
And Whereas, a Writ Petition (C) No.246 of 2011 in the matter of ABP Pvt. Ltd. and another versus the Union of India and others is pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India challenging the constitution and the recommendations of the Wage Boards;
And Whereas, the Central Government has taken legal opinion and it has been advised to issue order under section 12 of the said Act, subject to the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the said case;
And Whereas the Central Government proposes to accept the recommendations of the said Wage Boards as contained in Chapter XIX of Part-V of the report which is appended as Annexure-I (a) and chapter XX of the said Part-V of the report which is appended as Annexure-I (b), subject to certain modifications hereafter specified, being modifications which, in the opinion of the Central Government, do not effect important alterations in the character of the recommendations;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 12 of the Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 (45 of 1955), and in supersession of the notification number S.O.1086 (E), dated the 5th December, 2000, as amended by number S.O.1125 (E), dated 15th December, 2000, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby orders, subject to the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, that,–
1. In Part V, in Chapter XIX of the Recommendations of the Wage Boards for working journalists and non-journalist newspaper employees in newspaper establishments (other than news agencies),-
(a) in paragraph 6, for the heading “Classification of News Agencyâ€, the heading “Classification of Newspaper Establishment†shall be substituted;
(b) in para 11, in the Explanation.-
(i) in clause (a), for the figure and words “3% of gross revenueâ€, the figure and words “2% of gross revenue†shall be substituted;
(ii) in clause (b), for sub-clause ii, the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely.-
“ii. In respect of newspaper establishments falling under Classes V to VIII, where 20% of increase as a result of variable pay is recommended, the current basic pay would rise by around 2.58 to 2.84 timesâ€. ;
(c) in para 20, in the Explanation, in clause (1), for the figures, letters and word “25th August 2008â€, the figures, letters and word “24th October, 2008†shall be substituted;
(d) for Schedules I.A and I.B, the following Schedules shall be substituted, namely :-
(Grouping of Working Journalists in Newspaper Establishments)
Group – 1A : Editor
Group – 1 : Executive Editor, Resident Editor, Associate Editor, Joint Editor, Deputy Editor, and Chief News Coordinator or Chief News Editor.
Group – 2 : Chief of News Bureau, Assistant Editor, Leader Writer, News Editor, News Coordinator, Special Correspondent.
Group – 3: Chief Reporter or Chief Correspondent, Chief Sub-Editor or Content Chief, Deputy or Assistant News Editor, Photo Editor, Sport Editors, Commercial Editor, Science Editor, Economic Editor,, Film Editor, Feature Editor, Magazine Editor, Cartoonist, Chief of Statistical or Research Division, Chief News Photographer; Chief Librarian; Chief Index Assistant; Chief Calligraphist; Chief Artist; Page designer, Principal Correspondent in State capital accredited to the State Government, Correspondent accredited to the Central Government other than a Special Correspondent and other sectional or batch heads, not placed in a higher category.
Group – 4 : Deputy Chief Sub-Editor or Senior Sub-Editor, Deputy Chief Reporter or Senior Reporter, Senior Correspondent, Deputy Page Designer; Senior Calligraphist; Senior or Deputy Chief Artist Senior Librarian, Senior Index Assistant; Senior Research Assistant, Senior Photographer.
Group – 5 : Sub-Editor, Reporter, Correspondent, News Photographer, Artist, Calligraphist including Katibs, Librarian, Index Assistant, Chief Proof Reader and Senior Planner / Senior Scanner Operator.
Group – 6: Proof Reader including Advertisement Proof Reader Planner, Scanner / Scanner Operator, and all Working Journalists other than those mentioned under any other group unless placed higher by the establishment.
NOTE: (1) Any newspaper employee employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the schedules, but doing the same or similar nature of job, of any group in the schedule, shall be deemed to be a working journalist in that group.
(2) All categories of employees mentioned in the schedule may or may not exist in every class of newspaper establishments.
(Functional definitions – Working Journalists)
Group – 1A:
1. “Editor†means a person who directs and supervises the work of the editorial side of the Newspaper.
Group – 1:
2. “Executive Editor†means a person who assists in the editorial and production functions of a newspaper, whether or not he supervises the work of Resident Editor, Assistant Editor, etc.
3. “Resident Editor†means a person, who performs the functions of an Editor of a newspaper at a centre other than the one from which the newspaper is originally published or other than the headquarter of the newspaper establishment.
4. “Associate Editor†or “Joint Editor†or “Deputy Editor†means a person who generally assists the Editor in the performance of the work of the Editor.
5. “Chief News Coordinator†or “Chief News Editor†means a person, who coordinates as overall chief of all the news items to be published in the newspaper and supervises the work of the News Coordinators or News Editors.
Group – 2:
6. “Chief of News Bureau†means a person who supervises the work of the news bureau and assigns work to the Bureau members.
7. “Assistant Editor†means a person who regularly assists the Editors in the discharge of his duties generally in relation to review, opinions, comments or criticism.
8. “Leader Writer†means a person who regularly writes leaders and may also write other copy involving review, comment or criticism.
9. “News Editor†or “News Coordinator†means a person who co-ordinates and supervises the work of the news department and is responsible for the news content of all the editions of a newspaper.
10. “Special Correspondent†means a person whose duties regularly include reporting and interpreting all news of Parliamentary, political and general importance as an accredited correspondent or other-wise at the head-quarters of the Central Government or at a foreign centre or who regularly performs similar functions in more than one State or at any other place where he is assigned as such.
Group – 3
11. “Chief Reporter†or “Chief Correspondent†means a person who is in charge of all reporters/ Correspondents at a centre of publication, supervises their work and also regularly reports and interprets all news of legislative, political or general importance.
11A “Deputy or Assistant News Editor†means a person who assists the news editor in the discharge of his duties generally and/or is in charge of bringing out the city edition.
12. “Chief Sub-Editor or Content Chief†means a person who takes charge of a shift at the news desk, allocates and supervises the work of one or more sub-editors and is generally responsible for the determination of news space and the general display of news in the newspaper or in a particular edition or part of it.
13. “Sports Editors†means a person in charge of the sports section of a newspaper, deals with news and views on sports and allied activities, allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters and of one or more sub-editors and is generally responsible for the determination of news space and the general display of sports news.
14. “Photo Editor†means in-charge of operating the photo service of the news agency and coordination of the service.
15. “Commercial Editor†means a person who deals with news and views bearing on commerce, finance, trade, industry and comments on them and allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters.
16. “Economic Editor†means a person, who is in charge of bringing out the matters of general economic importance of the newspaper and allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters.
17. “Science Editor†means a person who deals with specialized news relating to science and technology, and is in-charge of bringing out the Science service of the newspaper.
18. “Film Editor†means a person who deals with news and views bearing on films and stage and is in charge on specified column or page on stage and screen and supervises the work of one or more working journalists.
19. “Feature Editor†means a person who deals with features and is in charge of bringing out the Features Service of the news agency and supervises the work of one or more working journalists, reporter or correspondent engaged in these activities.
20. “Magazine Editor†means a person who deals with news and views bearing on literary or entertainment items of relevant news and thoughts and other connected subjects of literature is in-charge of specified columns or pages and two or more working journalists who supervises their work.
21. “Cartoonist†means a person who comments upon news and events through cartoons, caricatures or comic strips.
22. “Chief of Statistical or Research Division†means a person in charge of statistical or research division which deals with matters bearing on commerce, finance, trade and industry in a financial paper and supervises the work of one or more working journalists.
23. “Chief News Photographer†means a person who allocates and supervises the work of one or more news photographers.
24. “Chief Librarian†or “Chief Index Assistant†or “Chief Calligraphists†or “Chief Artist†means a person who supervises the work of one or more librarians, Index Assistants, Calligraphist and Artists respectively.
25. “Page designer†means a person who designs the contents of news items to be published on a city or subject specific page or pages of newspaper.
26. “Principal Correspondent†is Correspondent who is accredited to the State Government and Correspondent is a person accredited to the Central Government other than special Correspondent and other sectional or batch heads.
Group – 4:
27. “Deputy Chief Sub-Editor†or “Senior Sub-Editor†means a person who regularly assists the Chief Sub-Editor in the discharge of his duties and acts in his place in his absence.
28. “Deputy Chief Sub-Editor / Reporter†means a person who regularly assists the Chief Sub-Editor or Deputy Chief Sub-Editor or Senior Sub-Editor in the discharge of his duties.
29. “Deputy Chief Reporter†or “Senior Reporter†means a person who assists the Chief Reporter and acts in his place in his absence.
30. “Deputy Page Designer†means a person who designs the contents of news items to be published on a city or subject specific page or pages of newspaper under the overall supervision of Chief Designer or Page Designer.
31. “Senior Correspondent†means a person other than special and principal correspondent and his duties and responsibilities would include the reporting on important news at any important centre other than the centre of publication and have put in service of not less than five years as correspondent or Reporter.
32. “Senior Photographer†or means a person, who has put in service of not less than five years in photographic profession and as also assists the photo editor in carrying out duties and responsibilities in the field.
33. “Senior Calligraphistâ€, “Senior or Deputy Chief Artist†or “Senior or Deputy Chief Librarianâ€, “Senior Index Assistantâ€, and “Senior Research Assistant†means a person who assists the Chief Calligraphist, Chief Artist, Chief Librarian, Chief Index Assistant, and Chief of Statistics or Research Division as the case may be, and has put in service of not less than five years.
Group – 5
34. “Sub-Editor or Senior Reporter†means a person who receives, selects, shortens summarizers, elaborates, translates, edits and headlines news items of all descriptions and may do some or all of these functions.
35. “Reporter†means a person who gathers and presents news at a particular centre.
36. “Correspondent†means a person who gathers and dispatches by Email, website, wire, post or any other means, news from any centre other than the centre of publication.
37. “News Photographer†means a person who covers news events of public interest through photographs.
38. “Artist†means a person who prepares for publication drawing, layouts, maps, graphs or other similar embellishments, illustrations of any kind or of creative art. He may do some or all of these functions.
39. “Calligraphist†means an artist who performs journalistic work and also calligraphy matters.
40. “Librarian†or “Index Assistant†means a person who prepares and maintains records, relating to news and views which are used as background or fill out for current stories. Persons not performing any of these functions shall not be covered.
41. “Chief Proof Reader†means who allocates and supervises the work of one or more proof readers and is in charge of a shift.
42. “Senior Planner†means a person who supervises the work of photo editing, colour editing and shadow editing undertaken by the Planner.
43. “Senior Scanner Operator†means a person who supervises the work of scanning of the photographs/colour advertisements/illustration etc. undertaken by Scanner/Scanner Operator.
Group – 6
44. “Proof Reader†means a person who checks up printed matter of proof with Editor’s copy to ensure strict conformity of the former with the latter. Factual discrepancies, slips of spelling mistakes of grammar and syntax may also be discovered by him and he either corrects or gets them corrected.
45. “Planner†means a person who assists in the job to photo editing, colour editing and shadow editing so highlight any news matter given by the Editor.
46. “Scanner / Scanner Operator†means a person, who scans the photograph / colour advertisements / illustrations and colour correction of photographs and transparencies’ ;’
(e) in Table – V relating to Classification of Cities, under the heading AREA – “Yâ€, -
a) the entries against serial numbers 53 and 68 shall be omitted;
b) the serial numbers of all entries thereunder shall be renumbered consecutively as serial numbers 1 to 67.
2. In Chapter XX of the Recommendations of the Wage Boards for working journalists and non-journalist newspaper employees in news agencies, –
(a) for the words “newspaper establishmentâ€, wherever they occur, the words “news agency†shall be substituted;
(b) with respect to the recommendations regarding allowances referred to in paragraphs 15, 16 and 17, News Agencies of Class I and II shall be treated as equivalent to Class I and II of Newspaper Establishments and Class III and IV of News Agencies shall be treated as equivalent to Class V and VI of Newspaper Establishments.
(c) for paragraph 14, the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-
“14. Night shift allowance – The Night shift allowance as per rates indicated in the following Table shall be paid to the employees by the news agencies :-
Class of news agency
Rate per night shift
I & II
(As equivalent to Class- I and II of newspaper establishments)
Rs. 100
(As equivalent to Class- V and VI of newspaper establishments)
Rs. 50â€;
(d) in Table – 1, for the entries under columns 1 to 5 relating to scale of pay for group of employees belonging to class III and class IV of the News Agency establishment the following entries shall be substituted, namely:-
Class of News Agency establishment
Scales of pay for Group of Employees
Variable Pay (% of Basic pay)
No Scale
Rs.16000-ARI (2.5%)-26300
Rs.14000-ARI (2.5%)-23000
Rs.13000-ARI (2.5%)-21400
Rs.12000-ARI (2.5%)-19700
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.14000-ARI (2.5%)-23000
Rs.13000-ARI (2.5%)-21400
Rs.12000-ARI (2.5%-19700
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
(e) in Table II for the entry “30%†under the column relating to Variable Pay (% of Basic Pay)’ against class III and class IV of News Agency Establishment, the entry “20%†shall respectively be substituted;
(f) in Table IV, relating to Classification of Cities, under the heading Area “Yâ€,-
a) the entries against serial numbers 53 and 68 shall be omitted;
b) the serial numbers of all entries thereunder shall be renumbered consecutively as serial numbers 1 to 67.
Annexure I (a)
Chapter – XIX
Recommendations of the Majithia Wage Boards for Working Journalists and Non–Journalist Newspaper Employees in Newspaper Establishments (Other than the News Agencies)
Short title and commencement: (1) These recommendations may be called the Majithia Wage Board Award.
(2) The Award shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of July 2010.
2. Definitions- In this Award, unless the context otherwise requires -
(1) "Act" means the Working Journalist and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 (XLV of 1955);
(2) "Accounting year" used with reference to a particular year shall in the case of newspaper establishment mean financial year, the year commencing on the first day of April. In case, however, the accounting year of a newspaper establishment is different from financial year, it shall mean that accounting year of the establishment, of which more than half falls in the particular financial year. In case of the newspaper establishment whose accounting year starts from 1st day of October, the accounting year would be that year in which the first six months fall.
Illustration – If the accounting year of a newspaper establishment starts from 1st day of January, 2009, reference to the accounting year 2009 in this Award shall be construed as reference to accounting year 2009-10. Again, if the accounting year of the newspaper establishment starts from 1st day of October, reference to accounting year 2009 in this Award will be construed as reference to the accounting year 2009-10 of that establishment.
(3) "Basic wage" means wages drawn in the prescribed scale of wages, including stagnation increment, if any, but does not include any other type of wages or pay, like special pay, personal pay, etc.
(4) 'Category' means any of those newspaper employees mentioned under the groups set out in this Award.
(5) “Gross Revenue†of a newspaper establishment (other than news agency) means the total revenue derived by the establishment from all sources of its newspaper business, including circulation and advertisement in its newspaper or newspapers, and also include the income from the assets acquired and investments made by it out of funds earned in the newspaper business.
Explanation – For the purpose of this clause,
(i) The revenue in respect of circulation and advertisement shall be taken to be the amount arrived at after deducting the commission actually allowed to the extent to which the amount of commission so allowed is reasonable.
(ii) Reasonable commission is one which is finally accepted by the Income Tax Authorities in case of a particular newspaper establishment. In cases, where no such final decision of the Income Tax Authorities is available, the circulation commission shall be 28 percent and the advertisement commission shall be 15 percent of the respective revenues.
(6) "Newspaper employee" means working journalist, or non-journalist newspaper employee, or both.
(8) "Schedule" means a schedule annexed to this Award.
(9) "Table" means a table annexed to this Award.
(10) The words and expressions "newspaper establishment", “working journalist†and "non-journalist newspaper employee" shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.
Section II
Classification of newspaper Establishments and Grouping of Newspaper Employees
3. Classification of newspaper Establishments– For the purpose of fixation or revision of rates of wages in respect of working journalists and non-journalists newspaper employees (other than the news agencies), the newspaper establishments shall be classified hereinafter provided
(a) (i) The classification of newspaper establishments shall be based on the average gross revenue of three accounting years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10. The different departments, branches and centres of newspaper establishments shall be treated as parts thereof.
(ii) Notwithstanding the clubbing of different departments, branches and centres of newspaper establishments on the basis of their own gross revenue, the units of the newspaper establishments of all the classes as categorized in paragraph 6 of this Chapter shall not be stepped up by more than two classes over and above the classes to which they belong according to their gross revenue, as a result of their clubbing.
Explanation – For the purpose of this clause,
(a) If there are different units / branches / companies of one classified newspaper establishment in one town or city and adjoining areas, even though carrying different names, these will be treated as one single unit of that newspaper establishment.
(b) In the case of a newspaper establishment completing two out of the aforementioned three (3) accounting years, its classification shall be determined on the basis of its average gross revenue for those two years.
(c) In the case of a newspaper establishment which has completed only one year of the said accounting years, its classification shall be determined on the basis of its gross revenue for that year.
(d) A new newspaper establishment, for which the provisions of clauses (a), (b) and (c) above do not apply, is liable to be classified after the completion of its first accounting year on the basis of its gross revenue for that year.
Provided that –
Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (b), (c) and (d) above, a newspaper establishment which is classified on the basis of two (2) accounting years shall be placed one class lower than the class in which it is liable to be placed and a newspaper establishment, which is classified on the basis of one accounting year, shall be placed two classes lower than the class in which it is liable to be placed. In either case, it shall not be lower than Class VIII.
4. Continuance of classification – The classification determines in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter shall continue until the newspaper establishment is reclassified in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7 of this Chapter.
5. Change of ownership – If the ownership of the newspaper establishment is transferred by one person to another, the provisions of paras 3 and 4 of this Chapter shall apply to such newspaper establishment as if the gross revenue of the newspaper establishment for the relevant accounting years under the previous owner were its revenue for those years under the new owner.
6. Classification of news agency – Newspaper establishment shall be classified under the following classes on the basis of their gross revenue as per paragraph 3 of this Chapter.
Gross Revenue
Gross Revenue
Rupees One Thousand Crore and above
Rupees Ten Crore and above but less than Rupees Fifty Crore
Rupees Five Hundred Crore and above but less than Rupees One Thousand Crore
Rupees Five Crore and above but less than Rupees Ten Crore
Rupees One Hundred Crore and above but less than Rupees Five Hundred Crore
Rupees One Crore and above but less than Rupees Five Crore
Rupees Fifty Crore and above but less than Rupees One Hundred Crore
Less than Rupees One Crore
Note: - Foreign newspaper establishments, those operating in India with their Principal Office outside India, shall be treated as Class I newspaper establishment.
Explanation – For the purpose of this clause,
(a) No newspaper establishment shall be deemed to be below class VIII.
(b) Gross revenue of the circulation and advertisement clubbed together derived by a newspaper establishment, other than the one falling in Class VIII, if the advertisement revenue is less than 50% of its aforesaid revenue, then it should be placed in the class next below the class in which it would fall on the basis of its total average gross revenue.
(c) Gross revenue of the circulation and advertisement clubbed together derived by a newspaper establishment, other than the one falling in classes VII and VIII, if the advertisement revenue is less than 40% of its aforesaid revenue, then it should be placed two classes below the class in which it would fall on the basis of its total average gross revenue. Establishments falling in Class VII whose advertisement is less than 40% of gross revenue will be placed in Class VIII.
(d) Newspaper establishment, other than one falling in Class VIII, publishing Indian language newspapers from a district town and not having more than two publications and whose advertisement revenue is less than 50 per cent of the total gross revenue, will be placed one class below the class in which it would fall on the basis of its total gross revenue.
7. Continuance of classification and reclassification – (1) The classification made under this Chapter, shall continue until the newspaper establishment is reclassified in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Chapter.
(2) It shall be open either to the employer or to the employee to seek a reclassification of a newspaper establishment at any time after one year from the date of the enforcement of the Award on the basis of the average gross revenue of the three immediately preceding accounting years;
Provided that such reclassification should not be sought more than once in any period of three consecutive accounting years.
Provided that any such reclassification made as per paragraph 7 (2) is required to be adjusted towards the price escalation worked out on the basis of wholesale price index with effect from the financial year just before the implementation of the Majithia Wage Boards Awards.
8. Grouping of Newspaper Employees: -
(1) The working journalists in newspaper establishments of classes I to VIII shall be grouped as under the Schedule I.A; and the functional definitions of various categories of working journalists in the news agency are described in the Schedule I.B.
(2) Non-journalist newspaper employees (administrative staff) in newspaper establishments of classes I to VIII shall be grouped as under the Schedule II.
(3) Non-journalist newspaper employees (factory staff) in newspaper establishments of classes I to VIII shall be grouped as under the Schedule III.
9. Variable Pay:
The concept of variable pay has been introduced, which aims to achieve twin objectives as stated below:
a. The Sixth Pay Commission had recommended the concept of grade pay and the same was agreed to by the Government for implementation. On similar analogy the concept of variable pay needs to be introduced for all the employees working in newspaper establishments and news agencies. The variable pay will be the specified percentage of the basic pay drawn by an
employee in the newspaper industry. All allowances, such as HRA, Transport Allowance, and Leave Travel Allowance etc. will be computed by taking the sum total of the revised basic pay and the variable pay applicable to an employee.
b. Variable pay recommended by the Wage Boards would be the minimum maintainable for all employees including those working on contract basis and the management would be free to pay more than recommended variable pay subject to performance of the workers as well as profitability and viability of the newspaper establishments.
Section III
10. Revised scale of wages for working journalists – (1) The revised scale of wages and variable pay, as recommended by the Wage Board for a span of 20 years, of each group of the Working Journalists in different classes of newspaper establishments is prescribed in Table I.
(2) Every part-time Correspondent and part-time Photographer shall be paid not less than 40 per cent, if he is posted at district head-quarters and above and not less than 30 percent, if he is posted at place below district headquarters, of the basic wage plus dearness allowance applicable to a full time Correspondent / Photographer at similar level, provided that no part-time Correspondent / Photographer will work for more than two newspaper establishments. In addition, payment shall be paid to him on column basis, the rate of which to be settled by mutual negotiations keeping in view the basic wages and dearness allowances drawn by as part-time Correspondent and part-time Photographer.
11. Revised scale of wages for non-journalists: – (1) The revised scales of wages and variable pay, as recommended by the Wage Board for a span of 20 years, of each group of the non-journalist newspaper employees i.e. Administration Staff and Factory Staff in different classes of newspaper establishments are prescribed in Table II and III respectively.
(2) Every time rated employee, that is to say, a person employed to work as time-rated employee (time-work) for either less or more than prescribed working hours and performs the job, or does the duty of a regular employee, shall be paid on pro-rata basis equivalent to the wages of the regular employee on the basis of number of hours for which he is employed.
(i) Explanation – for the purpose of above paragraphs 10 and 11
a) The Probable Impact of Wage Increase on newspaper establishments would be explained as below:
It reflects from the analytical data presented in the Annual Survey of Industries that the wages and salaries of employees in newspaper industry are normally 10% of the gross revenue of an establishment and is also supported to some extent by the information on wages and gross revenue submitted by the newspaper establishments to the Wage Boards. The proposal of the Wage Boards suggests around 35% and 20% increase in the wages / salaries over and above the salary including interim relief of employees working in the newspaper industry falling in classes I to IV and classes V to VIII respectively. Approximately, it would mean that with this increase, the wages would become about 13.5% of the gross revenue in respect of newspaper establishment falling in class I to IV. This would, therefore, result in further burden of just 3.5% of gross revenue. On a similar analogy, the burden on newspaper establishments in class V to VIII would be just 3% of gross revenue. Moreover, this additional burden on newspaper establishment would dissipate over the period as per the past trend. Based on the financial data submitted by the newspaper establishments, the Boards feel that it would be possible for them to bear such a moderate increase.
b) As regards benefit to newspaper employees
i. In respect of newspaper establishments falling under Classes I to IV, where 35% of increase as a result of variable pay is recommended, “the current basic pay of the newspaper employee†would rise by around 2.90 to 3.20 times, and
ii. In respect of newspaper establishments falling under Classes V to VIII, where 30% of increase as a result of variable pay is recommended, the current basic pay would rise by around 2.80 to 3.08 times.
12. Drawal of wages in the revised scales – (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Award, a newspaper employee shall draw wages in the revised scale applicable to the group to which he belongs.
13. Dearness Allowance – (1) The revised rates of dearness allowance shall be paid according to average all-India Consumer Price Index Number for industrial worker (2001=100) compiled by Labour Bureau and will become operative with effect from 01-07-2010.
(2) Dearness Allowance shall be payable bi-annually with effect from 1st July and 1st January every year and shall be sanctioned as soon as the figures for the preceding 12 months, for which all – India
average consumer price index for industrial workers (Base 2001=100) used for determining rate of dearness allowance, becomes available. Dearness allowance will become payable from the beginning of the month immediately succeeding the 12 month period for which All – India average index figures are used for determining rate of dearness allowance.
(3) The Rate of neutralization for determining Dearness Allowance payable Bi-annually on the basis of Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Numbers would be 100 percent of basic pay for all groups of employees in newspaper establishments and will be calculated as per the formula in Table- IV.
(4) Rate of neutralization for calculating dearness allowance will be 100% vide Table- IV.
Explanation – for the purpose of this paragraph –
The dearness allowance in respect of the period preceding the date of implementation of the Award shall be given at the existing rates.
14. House Rent Allowance – House rent allowance at the rate of 30%, 20% and 10% shall be paid by newspaper establishments to its employees posted in the respective areas defined as Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†respectively, which is based on the pattern followed under the fixation of Minimum Wages in respect of scheduled employments in the Central Sphere, as well as keeping in view of the concentration of Newspaper Establishments in Metros, Cities and Towns. The classification of cities as Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†are prescribed in Table – V.
Provided that –
(1) where an employee is provided residential accommodation by newspaper establishments, no house rent allowance shall be admissible.
(2) if an employee is being paid house rent allowance, the same will be adjusted against the amount of house rent allowance payable under this provision.
(3) where a newspaper establishment contributes on behalf of an employee any amount towards a fund to enable the employee to own his residential accommodation, such amount shall be adjusted against house rent allowance payable under this provision.
15. Transport allowance – The Transport allowance at the rate of 20%, 10% and 5%,shall be paid by newspaper establishments to its employees posted in the respective areas defined as Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†respectively. The Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†are prescribed in Table – V.
In view of the transport allowance, which is the major expenditure incurred by the residents including the newspaper employees, being recommended by the Wage Boards, the City Compensatory Allowance stands abolished.
16. Night shift allowance – The Night shift allowance at the rates shall be paid by the newspaper establishment to their respective employees as given in the table below:
Class of Newspaper Establishments
Rate per Night Shift
Class of Newspaper Establishments
Rate per Night Shift
I & II
V and VI
17. Hardship allowance – (1) An employee working in newspaper establishment of classes I to IV, which are situated in hilly areas above 5000 feet (1524 meters) from the sea level or in a disturbed area shall be paid a lump sum of Rs.1000 per month.
(2) An employee working in newspaper establishment of classes V and VI, which are situated in hilly areas above 5000 feet (1524 meters) from the sea level or in a disturbed area, shall be paid a lump sum of Rs.500/- per month.
(3) The hardship allowance shall not be applicable to the employees in newspaper establishment of classes VII and VIII.
Explanation – for the purpose of this paragraph, –
The"disturbed area" means disturbed area declared by the appropriate Government, i.e., State Government or Central Government, as the case may be, under the relevant Act.
18. Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) – An employee shall be paid leave travel allowance as equivalent to one month basic pay, except those working in newspaper establishment of classes VII and VIII. The LTA would be admissible once in a block of two years subject to availing of leave and production of necessary documents in proof of journey actually undertaken.
19. Medical Allowance – (1) The employees working in newspaper establishment of Classes I & II and Classes III & IV shall be paid medical allowance at the rate of Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/- per month per employee respectively. The employees in consultation with the management of newspaper establishment may opt for health insurance policy subject to the premium not exceeding the admissible medical allowance per annum.
(2) No medical allowance shall be paid to the employees, who are covered by Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC).
(3) Whereas the newspaper establishment falling in Classes V to VIII shall provide medicare insurance cover to all of their employees and the premium to be paid to an insurance company shall be limited to Rs.2000/- per annum per employee.
20. Fixation of initial wage in the revised scale – The initial wage of an employee in the revised scale shall be fixed in the following manner -
a) For the new entrant, the wages shall be fixed in the revised scale at the minimum of the scale.
b) In the case of employees already working in the newspaper establishment, the wages shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the existing emolument.
c) If the minimum of the revised scale is higher than the amount of the emoluments being presently drawn by the employee, the wages shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised scale.
d) If the existing emoluments of the employee are higher than minimum of the revised scale, the wages shall be fixed at next higher stage in the revised scale.
e) Every employee shall be given one increment in the revised pay scale for completion of every five years' service in the post held immediately before the date of the commencement of the Award.
f) As regard to Assured Career Development, Every employee shall be given at least three promotions during his entire service career i.e. first to next higher grade after satisfactorily completion of ten years of service, second to next higher grade after satisfactorily completion of twenty years of service and third to next higher grade after satisfactorily completion of thirty years of service.
g) The service rendered by the concerned employee in any other post carrying a scale in that newspaper establishment, the minimum of which is lower by not more than 30% of the minimum of the scale in which the employee worked, shall also be taken into account.
h) The total number of increments shall not be more than three.
i) No employee shall get more than the maximum of the revised pay scale.
j) The revised pay scales shall become applicable to all employees with effect from 1st July 2010. However, if an employee within three weeks from the date of publication of
Government Notification under Section 12 of the Act enforcing these recommendations exercises his option for retaining his existing pay scale and "existing emoluments", he shall be entitled to retain his existing scale and such emoluments.
(1) The “existing emoluments†of an employee shall mean his basic pay, variable dearness allowance at the All India average Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (Base 2001=100) at 167 during the period July 2009 to June 2010, convertible to CPI – IW (Base 1982=100) by the conversion factor of 4.63, and interim relief of 30% of basic pay sanctioned vide notifications S.O. No. 2524 (E) and 2525 (E) dated 25th August 2008 as applicable for working journalists and non-journalists newspaper employee respectively.
(2) The "additional emoluments" of an employee shall mean emoluments other than the “existing emoluments†described in Clause (1) granted by newspaper establishments, as a result of collective bargaining, agreement or award, as increase in basic wage, dearness allowance or interim relief.
(3) The "additional allowances" of an employee shall mean any monthly payments, by whatever name called, not related to a specific purpose nor agreed to be adjusted against any revision of pay or dearness allowance.
21. Mode of payment of arrears – The arrears payable from the date of enforcement of the Award, if any, as a result of retrospective implementation, shall be paid in three equal instalments after every six months from the date of enforcement of the Award and the first installment shall be paid within three months.
Provided that –
The newspaper establishments, who suffered heavy cash losses consequently in three accounting years preceding the date of implementation of the Awards, shall be exempt from payment of any arrears. However, these newspaper establishments would be required to fix salaries or wages of their employees on notional basis in the revised scales of pay with effect from the date of implementation of the Awards i.e. 1st July 2010.
22. Date of operation of Allowances – Except as otherwise provided in the Award, to the contrary, the House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Hardship Allowance or any other allowances prescribed in the Award shall be effective from the date of notification of this Award.
(Grouping of Working Journalists in Newspaper Establishments)
Group – 1A : Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Chief Editor, Deputy Chief Editor
Group – 1 : Executive Editor, Resident Editor, Manager (Editor),Senior Associate Editor or Associate Editor, Joint Editor, Senior Deputy Editor or Deputy Editor, Chief of News Bureau and Chief News Coordinator or Chief News Editor.
Group – 2 : Senior Assistant Editor or Assistant Editor, Leader Writer, News Editor, News Coordinator, Special Correspondent.
Group – 3 : Chief Reporter or Chief Correspondent, Chief Sub-Editor or Content Chief, Deputy or Assistant News Editor, Photo Editor, Sport Editors, Commercial Editor, Science Editor, Economic Editor, Stock Exchange Services Editor, Film Editor, Feature Editor, Magazine Editor, and all other Chief Sub-Editors or Editors assigned with specific subjects; Chief Cartoonist or Cartoonist, Chief of Editorial Technology, Chief of Statistical or Research Division, Chief or Principal Research Analyst; Chief or Principal News Photographer; Chief Librarian; Chief Index Assistant; Chief Calligraphist; Chief Artist; Page designer or Chief Designer, Deputy Chief of News Bureau; Foreign Correspondent, Special Correspondent, Chief or Principal Correspondent in State capital accredited to the State Government, Correspondent accredited to the Central Government other than a Special Correspondent and other sectional or batch heads, not placed in a higher category.
Group – 4 : Deputy Chief Sub-Editor or Senior Sub-Editor or Shift-in-Charge Sub-Editor, Assistant Chief Sub-Editor / Reporter, Deputy Chief Reporter or Senior Reporter, Senior Correspondent, Deputy Chief or Senior Designer, and all other Deputy Editors or Sub-Editors assigned with specific subjects; Senior Calligraphist; Senior or Deputy Chief Artist or Senior Layout Artist; Senior Librarian or Deputy Chief Librarian, Senior Index Assistant; Senior Research Analyst or Deputy Chief of Statistics or Research Division; Deputy Chief of Editorial Technology and Assistant photo Editor, Senior Photographer or Senior Staff Photographer or Special News Photographer or Deputy Chief News Photographer or Deputy Chief Photographer, Chief Language Assistant and Chief Planner / Chief Scanner Operator.
Group – 5 : Sub-Editor, Reporter, Journalist or Correspondent, News Photographer, Artist, Calligraphist including Katibs, Librarian or Assistant Librarian or Index Assistant, Language Assistant, Designer, Researcher, Chief Proof Reader and Senior Planner / Senior Scanner Operator.
Group – 6 : Proof Reader including Advertisement Proof Reader or Senior Proof Reader or Deputy Chief Proof Reader or Assistant Proof Reader; Planner, Scanner / Scanner Operator, Assistant Photographer and all Working Journalists other than those mentioned under any other group unless placed higher by the establishment.
NOTE : (1) Any newspaper employee employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the schedules, but doing the same or similar nature of job, of any group in the schedule, shall be deemed to be a working journalist in that group.
(2) All categories of employees mentioned in the schedule may or may not exist in every c lass of newspaper establishments.
(Functional definitions – Working Journalists)
Group – 1A:
1. ‘Editor-in-Chief’ or 'Chief Editor" means a person, who is in over all charge of a newspaper.
2. ‘Deputy Chief Editor’ means a person, who assists the chief Editor in the discharge of his duties and acts for him during his absence.
3. ‘Editor’ means a person who directs and supervises the work of the editorial side of the Newspaper.
Group – 1:
4. ‘Executive Editor’ or ‘Manager (Editor)’ means a person who assists in the editorial and production functions of a newspaper, whether or not he supervises the work of Resident Editor, Assistant Editor, etc.
5. “Resident Editor†means a person, who performs the functions of an Editor of a newspaper at a centre other than the one from which the newspaper is originally published or other than the headquarter of the newspaper establishment.
6. ‘Senior Associate Editor’ or ‘Associate Editor’ or ‘Joint Editor†or ‘Senior Deputy Editor’ or ‘Deputy Editor’ means a person who generally assists the Editor in the performance of the work of the Editor.
7. ‘Chief of News Bureau’ means a person who supervises the work of the news bureau and assigns work to the Bureau members.
8. ‘Chief News Coordinator’ or ‘Chief News Editor’ means a person, who coordinates as overall chief of all the news items to be published in the newspaper and supervises the work of the News Coordinators or News Editors.
Group – 2:
9. ‘Senior Assistant Editor or ‘Assistant Editor' means a person who regularly assists the Editors in the discharge of his duties generally in relation to review, opinions, comments or criticism.
10. ‘Leader Writer’ means a person who regularly writes leaders and may also write other copy involving review, comment or criticism.
11. ‘News Editor’ or ‘News Coordinator’ means a person who co-ordinates and supervises the work of the news department and is responsible for the news content of all the editions of a newspaper.
12. ‘Special Correspondent’ means a person whose duties regularly include reporting and interpreting all news of Parliamentary, political and general importance as an accredited correspondent or other-wise at the head-quarters of the Central Government or at a foreign centre or who regularly performs similar functions in more than one State or at any other place where he is assigned as such.
Group – 3
13. ‘Chief Reporter’ means a person who is in charge of all reporters at a centre of publication, supervises their work and also regularly reports and interprets all news of legislative, political or general importance.
“Deputy or Assistant News Editor†means a person who assists the news editor in the discharge of his duties generally and/or is incharge of bringing out the city edition.
14. “Chief Sub-Editor or Content Chief†Means a person who takes charge of a shift at the news desk, allocates and supervises the work of one or more sub-editors and is generally responsible for the determination of news space and the general display of news in the newspaper or in a particular edition or part of it.
15. “Sports Editors†means a person in charge of the sports section of a newspaper, deals with news and views on sports and allied activities, allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters and of one or more sub-editors and is generally responsible for the determination of news space and the general display of sports news.
16. ‘Photo Editor’ means incharge of operating the photo service of the news agency and coordination of the service.
17. ‘Commercial Editor’ means a person who deals with news and views bearing on commence, finance, trade, industry and comments on them and allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters.
18. ‘Economic Editor’ means a person, who is in charge of bringing out the matters of general economic importance of the newspaper and allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters.
19. ‘Stock Exchange Services Editor’ means a person in charge of the Stock Exchange Services section of a newspaper, deals with news and views on Stock Exchange Services and allied activities, allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters and of one or more sub-editors and is generally responsible for the determination of news space and the general display of Stock Exchange Services news.
20. ‘Science Editor’ means a person who deals with specialized news relating to science and technology, and is incharge of brining out the Science service of the newspaper.
21. “Film Editor†means a person who deals with news and views bearing on films and stage and is in charge on specified column or page on stage and screen and supervises the work of one or more working journalists.
22. ‘Feature Editor’ means a person who deals with features and is incharge of bringing out the Features Service of the news agency and supervises the work of one or more working journalists, reporter or correspondent engaged in these activities.
23. “Magazine Editor†means a person who deals with news and views bearing on literary or entertainment items of relevant news and thoughts and other connected subjects of literature is in-charge of specified columns or pages and two or more working journalists who supervises their work.
24. ‘Cartoonist or Chief Cartoonist’ means a person who comments upon news and events through cartoons, caricatures or comic strips.
25. ‘Chief of Editorial Technology’ means a person incharge of technological division so as to bring latest technology in relation to publishing of daily newspaper or magazine and supervises the work of one or more experts in the field.
26. “Chief of Statistical or Research Division†means a person incharge of statistical or research division which deals with matters bearing on commerce, finance, trade and industry in a financial paper and supervises the work of one or more working journalists.
27. ‘Chief or Principal Research Analyst’ means a person incharge of research division which deals with all matters requiring analytical study and supervises the work of one or more working journalists in the field.
28. “Chief or Principal News Photographer†means a person who allocates and supervises the work of one or more news photographers.
29. “Chief Librarian†or Chief Index Assistant†or “Chief Calligraphists†or Chief Artist†means a person who supervises the work of one or more librarians, Index Assistants, Calligraphist and Artists respectively.
30. ‘Chief Designer’ means a person who allocates and supervises the work of one or more page designers as well as who designs the contents of news items to be published on a city or subject specific page or pages of newspaper and as also.
31. ‘Page designer’ means a person who designs the contents of news items to be published on a city or subject specific page or pages of newspaper.
32. ‘Deputy Chief of News Bureau’ means a person who controls and supervises the work of the bureau or office and assigns work to the Bureau members under the overall guidance and supervision of Chief of News Bureau.
33. ‘Foreign Correspondent’ means a person stationed abroad for news coverage from the country or part of the country to which he is assigned.
34. ‘Special Correspondent’ means a person who is accredited to the Union Government and whose regular duties are to report news of Parliamentary, Political or general importance or a person in a metropolitan center who specializes in covering news of economic importance or national or international nature.
35. “Chief or Principal Correspondent†is Correspondent who is accredited to the State Government and Correspondent is a person accredited to the Central Government other than special Correspondent and other sectional or batch heads.
Group – 4:
36. “Deputy Chief Sub-Editor†or Senior Sub-Editor or Shift-in-charge Sub-Editor†means a person who regularly assists the Chief Sub-Editor in the discharge of his duties and acts in his place in his absence.
37. ‘Assistant Chief Sub-Editor / Reporter or Deputy Chief Sub-Editor / Reporter’ means a person who regularly assists the Chief Sub-Editor or Deputy Chief Sub-Editor or Senior Sub-Editor in the discharge of his duties.
38. “Deputy Chief Reporter†or “Senior Reporter†means a person who assists the Chief Reporter and acts in his place in his absence.
39. ‘Deputy Chief or Senior Designer’ means a person who designs the contents of news items to be published on a city or subject specific page or pages of newspaper under the overall supervision of Chief Designer or Page Designer.
40. ‘Senior Correspondent’ means a person other than special and principal correspondent and his duties and responsibilities would include the reporting on important news at any important centre other than the centre of publication and have put in service of not less than five years as correspondent or Reporter.
41. ‘Assistant photo Editor’, ‘Senior Photographer or Senior Staff Photographer’, ‘Special News Photographer or Deputy Chief News Photographer’, ‘Deputy Chief Photographer’ or whatever name these employees are designated means a person, who has put in service of not less than five years in photographic profession and as also assists the photo editor in carrying out duties and responsibilities in the field.
42. “Chief Language Assistant†means a person, who provides assistance in understanding and translation of different languages to the language in which the newspaper is published and as also supervises the work of Language Assistants.
43. “Chief Planner†means a person, who supervises the job of photo editing, colour editing and shadow editing so highlight any news matter undertaken by Senior Planner or Planner.
44. “Chief Scanner Operator†means a person, who supervises the tasks of scanning the photograph / colour advertisements / illustrations and colour correction of photographs and transparencies undertaken by Senior Scanner Operator or Scanner Operator.
45. ‘Senior Calligraphist’, ‘Senior or Deputy Chief Artist or Senior Layout Artist’, ‘Senior or Deputy Chief Librarian’, ‘Senior Index Assistant’, ‘Senior Reference Assistant’, and ‘Senior Research Analyst or Deputy Chief of Research Division’ and ‘Deputy Chief of Editorial Technology’, Senior Planner, Senior Scanner Operator etc., means a person who assists the Chief Calligraphist, Chief Artist, Chief Librarian, Chief Index Assistant, Chief Reference Assistant, Chief of Statistics or
Research Division and Chief of Editorial Technology respectively as the case may be, and has put in service of not less than five years.
Group – 5
46. ‘Sub-Editor or Senior Reporter’ means a person who receives, selects, shortens, summarizers, elaborates, translates, edits and headlines news items of all descriptions and may do some or all of these functions.
47. ‘Reporter means a person who gathers and presents news at a particular centre.
48. “Journalist or Correspondent†means a person who gathers and dispatches by Email, website, wire, post or any other means, news from any centre other than the centre of publication.
49. “News Photographer†means a person who covers news events of public interest through photographs.
50. “Artist†means a person who prepares for publication drawing, layouts, maps, graphs or other similar embellishments, illustrations of any kind or of creative art. He may do some or all of these functions.
51. “Calligraphist†means an artist who performs journalistic work and also calligraphy matters.
52. ‘Librarian’ or Assistant Librarian or Index Assistant’ means a person who prepares and maintains records, relating to news and views which are used as background or fill out for current stories. Persons not performing any of these functions shall not be covered.
53. ‘Language Assistant’ means a person, who provides services in translation of different languages to the language in which the newspaper is published under the overall supervision of Chief Language Assistant.
54. ‘Designer‘ means a person who designs the contents of news items to be published on a city or subject specific page or pages of newspaper under the overall supervision of Chief Designer or Page Designer or Deputy Chief or Senior Designer.
55. ‘Researcher’ means a person who assists the Chief of Statistics or Research Division and Chief of Editorial Technology to carry out research analysis under the overall supervision of Chief or Deputy Chief or Senior these Divisions.
56. ‘Chief Proof Reader’ means who allocates and supervises the work of one or more proof readers and is incharge of a shift.
Group – 6
57. “Senior Proof Reader or Deputy Chief Proof Reader or Proof Reader or Assistant Proof Reader†means a person who checks up printed matter of proof with Editor’s copy to ensure strict conformity of the former with the latter. Factual discrepancies, slips of spelling mistakes of grammar and syntax may also be discovered by him and he either corrects or gets them corrected.
58. “Planner†means a person who assists in the job to photo editing, colour editing and shadow editing so highlight any news matter given by the Editor.
59. “Scanner / Scanner Operator†means a person, who scans the photograph / colour advertisements / illustrations and colour correction of photographs and transparencies.
(Grouping of Non-Journalist Newspaper Employees – Administrative Staff)
Group 1A:
Vice President (Finance & Accounting, Advertisement or Circulation); Senior General Manager or General Manager, Senior Deputy General Manager or Deputy General Manager, Regional General Manager or Deputy Regional General Manager, General Manager or Chief Manager, Chief Manager (Electrical or Electronics), Chief Medical Officer or Chief Physiotherpist and Secretary
Group – 1:
Senior Assistant General Manager or Assistant General Manager; Senior Assistant Regional General Manager or Assistant Regional General Manager; Deputy Regional Manager or Regional Manager or Assistant Regional Manager;, Senior Manager, Branch or Departmental Manager (those who are in-charge of Circulation, Advertisement Department, Personnel, etc.), Manager; Web Administrator, Electronic or Software Engineer; Chief Accountant, Chief Internal Auditor; Chief Public Relation Officers; Medical Officer and Head (Diagnostics or Counseling).
Group – 2:
Additional Manager, Deputy Manager, Senior Assistant Manager or Assistant Manager; Chief Officer or Senior Officer, Senior Executives; Liaison Officers, Public Relation Officers; Accounts Officers, Internal Auditor; Assistant Advertisement Managers; Assistant Circulation Managers, Marketing Officer; Welfare Officer and Personnel officers; Assistant Engineer (Electronic, Mechanical or Electrical) and Senior Programmer; Senior Facilitator or Facilitator (Health Counseling).
Group – 3:
Officers or Sectional Heads (supervising work of around 5 Senior Assistants or Assistants or clerks); Chief Cashier; Business Canvassers, Marketing or Sales Representatives or Advertisement Representative; Head Clerks; Programmer, Computer Programmer, DTP Incharge, EDP Incharge; Personal Assistants (Steno Secretaries); Senior Accounts Assistant or Assistant Accountant; Senior Clinical Assistant or Pharmacist and Planner.
The recommendations in this part shall not apply to employees other than Non-Journalist Newspaper Employees as defined in the Act though included in the above four groups
Group – 4:
Senior Steno Secretary, Senior Stenographer or Stenographers; Senior Assistants or Assistants, Senior Assistant (Stores), Scheduling Assistant, All Executives, Senior Caretaker Assistant; Cashiers, Accounts Clerks; Circulation Inspectors / Representatives; Senior Advertisement Translators or Advertisement Translators; Senior Clerks (i.e. those whose work involves special skills); Senior Collection Representative; EDP Operator, Electronic Data Processor; Operators of accounting machines / calculating machines and Tele-printers; Security Supervisor, Senior Security Inspector, Watch and Ward Inspectors, Senior Security Guard, Senior Daffedar or Daffedar, Senior Head Havildar or Head Havildar; Cleaner; Field Organizers and those doing audit bureau of circulation; Advertisement Proof Readers; Assistant Physiotherpist or Clinical Assistant or Nurse (Male/Female;, Artists (Commercial and Process); Senior Laboratory Technician or Laboratory Technician; Scanner or Scanner Operator,.
Group – 5:
Junior Clerks or Junior Executives (i.e. those doing normal clerical work including acceptance of advertisements and sale of publications or other type of routine work); Caretaker, Time Keepers, Senior Typists or Typists, Telephone / Fax Machine Operators, Addressographers, Receptionists, Franking Machine Operators; Senior Messenger or Messenger; Junior Artists (Commercial and Process); Assistant Translator; Canteen Supervisors or Senior Server or Head Cook or Cook; Senior Security Guard, Senior Security Inspector or Security Inspector or Fireman-cum-Security man and Havildar Cleaner, Driver, Carpenter, Plumber and Mason.
Group – 6:
Bill Collectors; Xerox Operator; Daftry or those doing semi clerical work; Delivery Peons or Peon-cum-Messenger or Peon; Security Guard or Watchman; Liftman, office boy or Callboy or Aid Boy or Helper; Sweeper or Cleaner or Vehicle Cleaner; Bearer or Canteen-Boy or Server or Water-boy; Mali; Orderly or Darwan.
(i) Any newspaper employee with old designation as mentioned in the Manisana Wage Board Award or earlier Awards should be classified, as per the job profile of the post in mutual consultation with the management through bilateral agreements, in appropriate group of posts in respect of Manisana Wage Boards Awards.
(ii) Any newspaper employee with any designation different from those enumerated in the above schedule, but doing the same or similar nature of job, shall be deemed to be non-journalist in that group
(iii) All categories of employees mentioned in the schedule may or may not exist in every class of newspaper establishment.
(iv) Categorization of missing category of employment, if any, should be mutually decided by the employees and the management through bilateral agreements.
(Grouping of Non-Journalist Newspaper Employees – Factory Staff)
Group – IA:
Vice President (Production), Assistant Vice President, General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Senior Manager, Manager etc., engaged in overall management of production process.
Group – 1:
Senior Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer and A and B Grade Supervisor etc., appointed to look after the engineering aspects of machines installed in the production Department
Group – 2:
Senior Supervisor or Supervisor, Foreman, Colour Separation Scanner, Photo Type Setting Operator, Scanner / Scanner Operator, Senior Cameraman, Supervisor (Photo Composing), Senior VDT Operator/VDT Operator, Terminal Operator (Video Digital Typesetting).
Group – 3:
Senior Production Assistant or Production Assistant, Deputy or Assistant Foreman, Chief Press Advertising Assistant, Junior VDT Operator, Katibs, Motor Mechanic, Offset Machine-man, Offset Mechanic, Offset Plate Maker, Page Makeup Man (Photo setting), Paste-up Artist, Plate Maker (Colour), Press Advertising Assistant, Printer (Foreman Composing Supervisor), Process Developer, Printer (Offset, Photo Composing A& B Grade, Composing), PTS Mechanic, Repro-photographer, Rotary Mechanic, Senior Mechanic, Senior Printer, Supervisor, Supervisor (Composing weekly job and other sections).
Group 4:
Conveyor Striket machine-man, Corrector or Terminal Operator, Offset Plate Maker, ReelstarMachineman (General), Senior Machineman, Assistant Mukadam, Assistant Printing Machine-man (all categories), Charge Hand (Palatia), Copy Holder, Cutter, Driver, Electrician, Fitter, Junior Machineman, Machineman (Except Rotary Machineman), Machineman (other than printing), Mistry, News Daftry, Paste-up man in Art Department, Plumber.
Group 5:
Assistant Electrician, Assistant Machineman, Assistant Fitter, Assistant Turner (all with 5 years service), Distributor, Treadleman and Df. Pressman.
Group – 6:
Baller Mukadam, Barman, Binder, Case Room Cleaner, Colour-work Examiner, Counter, Daftary, Feeder, Head-peon or Peon or Press Aid or Helper; Packer, Stitcher, Binding boy, Mazdoor, Reel Loader and Un-loader, Trolley Man, Press Aid or Helper and all other semi-skilled or unskilled attendants, Cleaners and Helpers by whatever name they are called.
(i) Any newspaper employee with old designation as mentioned in the Manisana Wage Board Award or earlier Awards should be classified, as per the job profile of the post in mutual consultation with the management through bilateral agreements, in appropriate group of posts in respect of Manisana Wage Boards Awards.
(ii) Any newspaper employee with any designation different from those enumerated in the above schedule, but doing the same or similar nature of job, shall be deemed to be non-journalist in that group
(iii) All categories of employees mentioned in the schedule may or may not exist in every class of newspaper establishment.
(iv) Categorization of missing category of employment, if any, should be mutually decided by the employees and the management through bilateral agreements.
A. Working Journalists
Class of Newspaper Establishments
<--- Scales of Pay for Group of Employees --->
Variable Pay (% of Basic Pay)
(Rs.1000 crore and above)
<----- NO SCALE ----->
Rs.25000-ARI (4%)-54800
Rs.22000-ARI (4%)-48300
Rs.19000-ARI (4%)-41700
Rs.17000-ARI (4%)-37300
Rs.15000-ARI (4%)-32900
Rs.13000-ARI (4%)-28500
(Rs.500 crore and above but less than Rs.1000 crore)
Rs.22000-ARI (4%)-48300
Rs.20000-ARI (4%)-43900
Rs.18000-ARI (4%)-39500
Rs.16000-ARI (4%)-35100
Rs.14000-ARI (4%)-30700
Rs.13000-ARI (4%)-28500
(Rs.100 crore and above but less than Rs.500 crore)
Rs.20000-ARI (3%)-36200
Rs.18000-ARI (3%)-32600
Rs.16000-ARI (3%)-28900
Rs.14000-ARI (3%)-25300
Rs.13000-ARI (3%)-23500
Rs.12000-ARI (3%)-21700
(Rs.50 crore and above but less than Rs.100 crore)
Rs.18000-ARI (3%)-32600
Rs.16000-ARI (3%)-28900
Rs.14000-ARI (3%)-25300
Rs.13000-ARI (3%)-23500
Rs.12000-ARI (3%)-21700
Rs.11000-ARI (3%)-19900
(Rs.10 crore and above but less than Rs.50 crore)
Rs.16000-ARI (2.5%)-26300
Rs.14000-ARI (2.5%)-23000
Rs.13000-ARI (2.5%)-21400
Rs.12000-ARI (2.5%)-19700
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
(Rs.5 crore and above but less than Rs.10 crore)
Rs.14000-ARI (2.5%)-23000
Rs.13000-ARI (2.5%)-21400
Rs.12000-ARI (2.5%)-19700
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
(Rs.1 crore and above but less than Rs.5 crore)
Rs.12000-ARI (2%)-17900
Rs.11000-ARI (2%)-16400
Rs.10000-ARI (2%)-15900
Rs.9000-ARI (2%)-13400
Rs.8000-ARI (2%)-11900
(Less than Rs.1 crore)
Rs.9000-ARI (2%)-13400
Rs.8000-ARI (2%)-11900
Rs.7000-ARI (2%)-10500
Note: ‘ARI’ stands for Annual Rate of Increment
B. Non – Journalists (Administrative Staff)
Class of Newspaper Establishments
<--- Scales of Pay for Group of Employees --->
Variable Pay (% of Basic Pay)
(Rs.1000 crore and above)
<----- NO SCALE ----->
Rs.17500-ARI (4%)-38400
Rs.15000-ARI (4%)-32900
Rs.13000-ARI (4%)-28500
Rs.12000-ARI (4%)-26300
Rs.10000-ARI (4%)-22000
Rs.9000-ARI (4%)-19800
(Rs.500 crore and above but less than Rs.1000 crore)
Rs.16000-ARI (4%)-35100
Rs.14000-ARI (4%)-30700
Rs.12000-ARI (4%)-26300
Rs.11000-ARI (4%)-24100
Rs.9000-ARI (4%)-19800
Rs.8500-ARI (4%)-18700
(Rs.100 crore and above but less than Rs.500 crore)
Rs.14000-ARI (3%)-25300
Rs.12000-ARI (3%)-21700
Rs.11000-ARI (3%)-19900
Rs.10000-ARI (3%)-18100
Rs.8500-ARI (3%)-15400
Rs.8000-ARI (3%)-14500
(Rs.50 crore and above but less than Rs.100 crore)
Rs.12000-ARI (3%)-21700
Rs.11000-ARI (3%)-19900
Rs.10000-ARI (3%)-18100
Rs.9000-ARI (3%)-16300
Rs.8000-ARI (3%)-14500
Rs.7500-ARI (3%)-13600
(Rs.10 crore and above but less than Rs.50 crore)
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
Rs.8500-ARI (2.5%)-14000
Rs.7500-ARI (2.5%)-12300
Rs.7000-ARI (2.5%)-11500
(Rs.5 crore and above but less than Rs.10 crore)
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
Rs.8500-ARI (2.5%)-14000
Rs.8000-ARI (2.5%)-13200
Rs.7000-ARI (2.5%)-11500
(Rs.1 crore and above but less than Rs.5 crore)
Rs.8500-ARI (2%)-12700
Rs.7500-ARI (2%)-11200
Rs.7000-ARI (2%)-10500
Rs.6000-ARI (2%)-9000
(Less than Rs.1 crore)
Rs.7000-ARI (2%)-10500
Rs.6000-ARI (2%)-9000
Rs.5000-ARI (2%)-7500
Note: ‘ARI’ stands for Annual Rate of Increment
C. Non – Journalists (Factory Staff)
Class of Newspaper Establishments
<--- Scales of Pay for Group of Employees --->
Variable Pay (% of Basic Pay)
(Rs.1000 crore and above)
<----- NO SCALE ----->
Rs.13500-ARI (4%)-29600
Rs.12000-ARI (4%)-26300
Rs.11000-ARI (4%)-24100
Rs.10000-ARI (4%)-22000
Rs.9000-ARI (4%)-19800
Rs.8000-ARI (4%)-17600
(Rs.500 crore and above but less than Rs.1000 crore)
Rs.12500-ARI (4%)-27400
Rs.11000-ARI (4%)-24100
Rs.10000-ARI (4%)-22000
Rs.9000-ARI (4%)-19800
Rs.8000-ARI (4%)-17600
Rs.7500-ARI (4%)-16500
(Rs.100 crore and above but less than Rs.500 crore)
Rs.12000-ARI (3%)-21700
Rs.10500-ARI (3%)-19000
Rs.9500-ARI (3%)-17200
Rs.8500-ARI (3%)-15400
Rs.7500-ARI (3%)-13600
Rs.7000-ARI (3%)-12700
(Rs.50 crore and above but less than Rs.100 crore)
Rs.11000-ARI (3%)-19900
Rs.10000-ARI (3%)-18100
Rs.9000-ARI (3%)-16300
Rs.8000-ARI (3%)-14500
Rs.7000-ARI (3%)-12700
Rs.6500-ARI (3%) -11800
(Rs.10 crore and above but less than Rs.50 crore)
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
Rs.8000-ARI (2.5%)-13200
Rs.7500-ARI (2.5%)-12300
Rs.6500-ARI (2.5%)-10700
Rs.6000-ARI (2.5%)-9900
(Rs.5 crore and above but less than Rs.10 crore)
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
Rs.8000-ARI (2.5%)-13200
Rs.7500-ARI (2.5%)-12300
Rs.7000-ARI (2.5%)-11500
Rs.6000-ARI (2.5%)-9900
(Rs.1 crore and above but less than Rs.5 crore)
Rs.8000-ARI (2%)-11900
Rs.7500-ARI (2%)-11200
Rs.6500-ARI (2%)-9700
Rs.5500-ARI (2%)-8200
(Less than Rs.1 crore)
Rs.7000-ARI (2%)-10500
Rs.6000-ARI (2%)-9000
Rs.5000-ARI (2%)-7500
Note: ‘ARI’ stands for Annual Rate of Increment
Table – IV
Formula for calculating Dearness Allowance:
The formula for calculating Dearness Allowance would be the percentage increase of all-India Average Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (Base 2001=100) in preceding 12 months in question over the all-India Average Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (Base 2001=100) at 167 for the year July 2009 to June 2010 payable bi-annually with effect from 1st July and 1st January every year, which would be then be multiplied by the rate of neutralization and Basic Pay. Mathematically, it can be put as follows:
All-India Annual Average CPI – IW
(Preceding 12 months in question)
All-India Annual Average CPI – IW
(July 2009 to June 2010)
Dearness Allowance = --------------------------------------------X Rate of Neutralization (1.0) X Basic Pay
All-India Annual Average CPI – IW
(July 2009 to June 2010)
Table – V
Classification of Cities
AREA – “Xâ€
Sl. No.
Sl. No.
Delhi and adjoining NCR areas of Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Noida
Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Greater Mumbai / Navi Mumbai
AREA – “Yâ€
AREA – “Y†Continued……..
Jalandhar Cantonment
Durg-Bhilai Nagar
Area “Z†will comprise all areas not mentioned in this list.
Note: U. A. stands for Urban Agglomeration.
Annexure I (b)
Chapter – XX
Recommendations of the Majithia Wage Boards for Working Journalists and Non–Journalist Newspaper Employees in the News Agencies
Short title and commencement: (1) These recommendations may be called the Majithia Wage Board Award.
(2) The Award shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of July 2010.
2. Definitions- In this Award, unless the context otherwise requires -
(1) "Act" means the Working Journalist and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 (XLV of 1955);
(2) "Accounting year" used with reference to a particular year shall in the case of newspaper establishment mean financial year, the year commencing on the first day of April. In case, however, the accounting year of a newspaper establishment is different from financial year, it shall mean that accounting year of the establishment, of which more than half falls in the particular financial year. In case of the newspaper establishment whose accounting year starts from 1st day of October, the accounting year would be that year in which the first six months fall.
Illustration – If the accounting year of a newspaper establishment starts from 1st day of January, 2009, reference to the accounting year 2009 in this Award shall be construed as reference to accounting year 2009-10. Again, if the accounting year of the newspaper establishment starts from 1st day of October, reference to accounting year 2009 in this Award will be construed as reference to the accounting year 2009-10 of that establishment.
(3) "Basic wage" means wages drawn in the prescribed scale of wages, including stagnation increment, if any, but does not include any other type of wages or pay, like special pay, personal pay, etc.
(4) 'Category' means any of those newspaper employees mentioned under the groups set out in this Award.
(5) 'Gross revenue of a news agency’ means its total revenue from all sources, including subscription revenue derived by selling its services.
(6) ‘News agency’ means an establishment conducting any news agency or syndicate, that is to say, a news agency in an undertaking of which the principle objective is to gather or collect news and news material and to distribute it to a group of news enterprises and, in exceptional circumstances, to provide individual with a view to providing them with as complete and impartial a news service as possible, against payment with and under condition compatible business laws and usage.
(7) "Newspaper employee" means working journalist, or non-journalist newspaper employee, or both.
(8) "Schedule" means a schedule annexed to this Award.
(9) "Table" means a table annexed to this Award.
(10) The words and expressions "newspaper establishment", “working journalist†and "non-journalist newspaper employee" shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.
Section II
(Classification of News Agencies and Grouping of news agency employees)
3. Classification of news agencies – For the fixation or revision of rates of wages of employees in news agencies, news agencies shall be classified based on the average gross revenue of three accounting years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.
4. Continuance of classification – The classification made under this Chapter, shall continue until the news agency is reclassified in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Chapter.
5. Classification of news agency – News agencies shall be classified under the following classes on the basis of their gross revenue as per paragraph 3 of this Chapter.
Gross Revenue
Rs.60 crore and above;
Rs.30 crore and above but less than Rs.60 crore.
Rs.10 crore and above but less than Rs.30 crore.
Less than Rs.10 crore.
Note: - Foreign news agencies, i.e. those operating in India with their Principal Office outside India shall be treated as Class I news agencies.
6. Reclassification - It shall be open either to the employer or to the employee to seek a reclassification of a newspaper establishment at any time after one year from the date of the enforcement of the Award on the basis of the average gross revenue of the three immediately preceding accounting years;
Provided that such reclassification should not be sought more than once in any period of three consecutive accounting years.
Provided that any such reclassification is required to be adjusted towards the price escalation worked out on the basis of wholesale price index with effect from the financial year just before the implementation of the Majithia Wage Boards Awards.
7. Grouping of Newspaper Employees: - (1) Working Journalists in the regular cadre in news agency shall be grouped as under the First Schedule; and functional definitions of various categories of working journalists in the news agency are described in the Schedule – IV.A and IV.B respectively.
(2) Non-journalist employees – Administrative Staff in news agency shall be grouped as under the Schedule – V.
9. Variable Pay:
The concept of variable pay has been introduced, which aims to achieve twin objectives as stated below:
a. The Sixth Pay Commission had recommended the concept of grade pay and the same was agreed to by the Government for implementation. On similar analogy the concept of variable pay needs to be introduced for all the employees working in newspaper establishments and news agencies. The variable pay will be the specified percentage of the basic pay drawn by an employee in the newspaper industry. All allowances, such as HRA, Transport Allowance, and Leave Travel Allowance etc. will be computed by taking the sum total of the revised basic pay and the variable pay applicable to an employee.
b. Variable pay recommended by the Wage Boards would be the minimum maintainable for all employees including those working on contract basis and the management would be free to pay more than recommended variable pay subject to performance of the workers as well as profitability and viability of the newspaper establishments.
8. Revised scale of wages for working journalist - (1) The revised scale of wages and variable pay, as recommended by the Wage Board for a span of 20 years, of each group of the Working Journalists in different classes of news agency is prescribed in Table I.
(2) Every part-time Correspondent/ Photographer shall be paid not less than 40 per cent, if he is posted at district head-quarters and above and not less than 30 per cent, if he is posted at place below district headquarters, of the basic wage plus dearness allowance applicable to a full time Correspondent/Photographer at similar level, provided that no part-time Correspondent / Photographer will work for more than two news agencies or newspaper establishments. In addition, payment shall be paid to him on column basis, the rate of which to be settled by mutual negotiations keeping in view the basic wages and dearness allowances drawn by as part-time Correspondent and part-time Photographer.
9. Revised scale of wages for non-journalist – (1) The revised scales of wages and variable pay, as recommended by the Wage Board for a span of 20 years, of each group of the non-journalist news agency employees – Administration Staff in different classes of news agency is prescribed in Table II.
(2) Every time rated employee, that is to say, a person employed to work as time-rated employee (time-work) for either less or more than prescribed working hours and performs the job, or does the duty of a regular employee, shall be paid on pro-rata basis equivalent to the wages of that regular employee on the basis of number of hours for which he is employed.
Explanation – for the purpose of above paragraphs 8 and 9
(a) The Probable Impact of Wage Increase on newspaper establishments would be explained as below:
It reflects from the analytical data presented in the Annual Survey of Industries that the wages and salaries of employees in newspaper industry are normally 10% of the gross revenue of an establishment and is also supported to some extent by the information on wages and gross revenue
submitted by the newspaper establishments to the Wage Boards. The proposal of the Wage Boards suggests around 35% and 20% increase in the wages / salaries over and above the salary including interim relief of employees working in the newspaper industry falling in classes I to IV and classes V to VIII respectively. Approximately, it would mean that with this increase, the wages would become about 13.5% of the gross revenue in respect of newspaper establishment falling in class I to IV. This would, therefore, result in further burden of just 3.5% of gross revenue. On a similar analogy, the burden on newspaper establishments in class V to VIII would be just 3% of gross revenue. Moreover, this additional burden on newspaper establishment would dissipate over the period as per the past trend. Based on the financial data submitted by the newspaper establishments, Boards feel that it would be possible for them to bear such a moderate increase.
(b) As regard benefit to newspaper employees
(i) In respect of newspaper establishments falling under Classes I to IV, where 35% of increase as a result of variable pay is recommended, “the current basic pay of the newspaper employee†would rise by around 2.90 to 3.20 times, and
(ii) In respect of newspaper establishments falling under Classes V to VIII, where 30% of increase as a result of variable pay is recommended, the current basic pay would rise by around 2.80 to 3.08 times.
10. Drawal of wages in the revised scales – (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Award, a news agency employee shall draw wages in the revised scale applicable to the group to which he belongs.
11. Dearness Allowance – (1) The revised rates of dearness allowance shall be paid according to average all-India Consumer Price Index Number for industrial worker (2001=100) compiled by Labour Bureau and will become operative with effect from 01-07-2010.
(2) Dearness Allowance shall be payable bi-annually with effect from 1st July and 1st January every year and shall be sanctioned as soon as the figures for the preceding 12 months, for which all – India average consumer price index for industrial workers (Base 2001=100) used for determining rate of dearness allowance, becomes available. Dearness allowance will become payable from the beginning of the month immediately succeeding the 12 month period for which All – India average index figures are used for determining rate of dearness allowance.
(3) The Rate of neutralization for determining Dearness Allowance payable Bi-annually on the basis of Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Numbers would be 100 percent of basic for all groups of employees in news agency establishments and will be calculated as per the formula in Table- III.
Explanation – for the purpose of this paragraph, –
The dearness allowance in respect of the period preceding the date of implementation of the Award shall be given at the existing rates.
12. House Rent Allowance – House rent allowance at the rate of 30%, 20% and 10% shall be paid by newspaper establishments to its employees posted in the respective areas defined as Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†respectively, which is based on the pattern followed under the fixation of Minimum Wages in respect of scheduled employments in the Central Sphere, as well as keeping in view of the concentration of Newspaper Establishments in Metros, Cities and Towns. The classification of cities as Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†are prescribed in Table – IV.
Provided that –
1) Where an employee is provided residential accommodation by newspaper establishments, no house rent allowance shall be admissible.
2) If an employee is being paid house rent allowance, the same will be adjusted against the amount of house rent allowance payable under this provision.
3) Where a newspaper establishment contributes on behalf of an employee any amount towards a fund to enable the employee to own his residential accommodation, such amount shall be adjusted against house rent allowance payable under this provision.
13. Transport allowance – The Transport allowance at the rate of 20%, 10% and 5%,shall be paid by newspaper establishments to its employees posted in the respective areas defined as Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†respectively. The Area “Xâ€, Area “Y†and Area “Z†are prescribed in Table – IV.
In view of the transport allowance, which is the major expenditure incurred by the residents including the newspaper employees, being recommended by the Wage Boards, the City Compensatory Allowance stands abolished.
14. Night shift allowance – The Night shift allowance at the rates shall be paid by the newspaper establishment to their respective employees as given in the table below:
Class of Newspaper Establishments
Rate per Night Shift
Class of Newspaper Establishments
Rate per Night Shift
I & II
V and VI
15. Hardship allowance – (1) An employee working in newspaper establishment of classes I to IV, which are situated in hilly areas above 5000 feet (1524 meters) from the sea level or in a disturbed area shall be paid a lump sum of Rs.1000 per month.
(2) An employee working in newspaper establishment of classes V and VI, which are situated in hilly areas above 5000 feet (1524 meters) from the sea level or in a disturbed area, shall be paid a lump sum of Rs.500/- per month.
(3) The hardship allowance shall not be applicable to the employees in newspaper establishment of classes VII and VIII.
Explanation – for the purpose of this paragraph, –
The "disturbed area" means disturbed area declared by the appropriate Government, i.e., State Government or Central Government, as the case may be, under the relevant Act.
16. Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) – An employee shall be paid leave travel allowance as equivalent to one month basic pay, except those working in newspaper establishment of classes VII and VIII. The LTA would be admissible once in a block of two years subject to availing of leave and production of necessary documents in proof of journey actually undertaken.
17. Medical Allowance – (1) The employees working in newspaper establishment of Classes I & II and Classes III & IV shall be paid medical allowance at the rate of Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/- per month per employee respectively. The employees in consultation with the management of newspaper establishment may opt for health insurance policy subject to the premium not exceeding the admissible medical allowance per annum.
(2) No medical allowance shall be paid to the employees, who are covered by Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC).
(3) Whereas the newspaper establishment falling in Classes V to VIII shall provide medicare insurance cover to all of their employees and the premium to be paid to an insurance company shall be limited to Rs.2000/- per annum per employee.
19. Fixation of initial wage in the revised scale – The initial wage of an employee in the revised scale shall be fixed in the following manner -
(a) For the new entrant, the wages shall be fixed in the revised scale at the minimum of the scale.
(b) In the case of employees already working in the newspaper establishment, the wages shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the existing emolument.
(c) If the minimum of the revised scale is higher than the amount of the emoluments being presently drawn by the employee, the wages shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised scale.
(d) If the existing emoluments of the employee are higher than minimum of the revised scale, the wages shall be fixed at next higher stage in the revised scale.
(e) Every employee shall be given one increment in the revised pay scale for completion of every five years' service in the post held immediately before the date of the commencement of the Award.
(f) As regard to Assured Career Development, Every employee shall be given at least three promotions during his entire service career i.e. first to next higher grade after satisfactorily completion of ten years of service, second to next higher grade after satisfactorily completion of twenty years of service and third to next higher grade after satisfactorily completion of thirty years of service.
(g) The service rendered by the concerned employee in any other post carrying a scale in that newspaper establishment, the minimum of which is lower by not more than 30% of the minimum of the scale in which the employee worked, shall also be taken into account.
(h) The total number of increments shall not be more than three.
(i) No employee shall get more than the maximum of the revised pay scale.
(j) The revised pay scales shall become applicable to all employees with effect from 1st July 2010. However, if an employee within three weeks from the date of publication of Government Notification under Section 12 of the Act enforcing these recommendations exercises his option for retaining his existing pay scale and "existing emoluments", he shall be entitled to retain his existing scale and such emoluments.
(1) The “existing emoluments†of an employee shall mean his basic pay, variable dearness allowance at the All India average Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (Base 2001=100) during the period July 2009 to June 2010 at 167 during the period July 2009 to June 2010, convertible to CPI – IW (Base 1982=100) by the conversion factor of 4.63, and interim relief of 30% of
basic pay sanctioned vide notifications S.O. No. 2524 (E) and 2525 (E) dated 25th August 2008 as applicable for working journalists and non-journalists newspaper employee respectively.
(2) The "additional emoluments" of an employee shall mean emoluments other than the “existing emoluments†described in Clause (1) granted by newspaper establishments, as a result of collective bargaining, agreement or award, as increase in basic wage, dearness allowance or interim relief.
(3) The "additional allowances" of an employee shall mean any monthly payments, by whatever name called, not related to a specific purpose nor agreed to be adjusted against any revision of pay or dearness allowance.
19. Mode of payment of arrears – The arrears payable from the date of enforcement of the Award, if any, as a result of retrospective implementation, shall be paid in three equal installments after every six months from the date of enforcement of the Award and the first installment shall be paid within three months.
Provided that –
The newspaper establishments, who suffered heavy cash losses consequently in three accounting years preceding the date of implementation of the Awards, shall be exempt from payment of any arrears. However, these newspaper establishments would be required to fix salaries or wages of their employees on notional basis in the revised scales of pay with effect from the date of implementation of the Awards i.e. 1st July 2010.
20. Date of operation of Allowances – Except as otherwise provided in the Award, to the contrary, the House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Hardship Allowance or any other allowances prescribed in the Award shall be effective from the date of notification of this Award.
(Grouping of working journalists in News Agency)
(Grouping of Working Journalists in Newspaper Establishments)
Group – 1A : Editor-in-Chief, Chief Editor, Deputy Chief Editor
Group – 1 : Editor, Chief Producer (T.V.), Chief of Divisional Bureau.
Group – 2 : Chief News Editor, Commercial Editor, Economic Editor, Science Editor, Feature Editor, Photo Editor and any other Subject Specific Editors; Regional Manager, Chief of State Bureau (Capital), Special, Principal or Foreign Correspondent on selective basis.
Group – 3 : Special Correspondent or Principal Correspondent, Foreign Correspondent, News Editor, Chief Reporter, Chief Photographer, Producer (TV), Manager Stock Exchange Services, Manager News Exchange, Special Correspondent (T.V.), Manager State Capital Bureau and Chief Librarian.
Group – 4 : Chief Sub-Editor or Deputy Chief Sub-Editor or Senior Sub-Editor or Sub-Editor; Senior Correspondent and Senior Librarian
Group – 5 : Senior Reporter or Reporter, Senior Photographer, Assistant Producer-cum-Reporter (T.V.), Correspondent, Photographer, T.V. Reporter and Librarian.
(1) Any newspaper employee in news agency employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the schedules, but doing the same or similar nature of job, of any group in the schedule, shall be deemed to be a working journalist in that group.
(2) All categories of employees mentioned in the schedule may or may not exist in every class of news agency.
(Functional definitions – Working Journalists)
Group – I A
1. ‘Editor-in-Chief’ or 'Chief Editor" means a person who is in over all charge of a news agency.
2. ‘Deputy Chief Editor’ means a person who assists the chief Editor in the discharge of his duties and acts for him during his absence.
Group – I
3. ‘Editor’ means a person who directs and supervises the work of the editorial side of the News Agency.
4. ‘Chief Producer (T.V.) means a person in overall charge of the TV service of News Agency.
5. ‘Chief of Divisional Bureau’ means a person who is in charge of the central news desk of the entire News Agency and who supervise guides and direct news services in metropolitan centres, i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai besides Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
Group – II
6. ‘Chief News Editor’ means a person who assists the Deputy Chief Editor in the discharge of his duties and coordinates news activities.
8. ‘Commercial Editor’ means a person who deals with news and views bearing on commerce, finance, trade and industry, and comments on them and allocates and supervises the work of one or more reporters.
7. ‘Economic Editor’ means a person who is in charge of bringing out the economic service of the news agency.
9. ‘Science Editor’ means a person who deals with specialized news relating to science and technology, and is in charge of bringing out the Science service of the news agency.
10. ‘Feature Editor’ means a person who deals with features and is in charge of bringing out the Features Service of the news agency.
11. ‘Photo Editor’ means in charge of operating the photo service of the news agency and coordination of the service.
12. ‘Regional Manager’ means a person who is in charge of news and other services of the news agency in the western/northern/eastern/southern regions of the country.
13. ‘Chief of State Bureau’ means a person who guides and directs collection of news of all types in a State Capital.
14. ‘Special Correspondent’ on selective basis means a Special Correspondent who is placed in a higher class on account of discharge of duties of higher work-load and responsibility.
Group – III
15. ‘Special Correspondent’ means a person who is accredited to the Union Government and whose regular duties are to report news of Parliamentary, Political or general importance or a person in a metropolitan center who specializes in covering news of economic importance or national or international nature.
16. ‘Principal Correspondent’ means a correspondent in state capitals accredited to State Governments.
17. ‘Foreign Correspondent’ means a person stationed abroad for news coverage from the country or part of the country to which he is assigned.
18. ‘News Editor’ means a person who is in charge of a news dock or regional news at a metropolitan center and supervises, directs and guides the different news services.
19. ‘Chief Reporter’ means a person in a metropolitan center who is in charge of all reporters in that centre, and reporters all news legislative, political or general importance.
20. ‘Chief Photographer’ means a person who allocates and supervises the work of photographers.
21. ‘Producer TV’ means a person in charge of respective areas of programming (economy, current affairs, education, and news).
22. ‘Manager of Stock Exchange Services’ means a person who coordinates the Stock Exchange information and stockscan service reports.
23. ‘Manager News Exchange’ means a person who coordinates the news Agencies Exchange Programmes with other Agencies.
24. ‘Special Correspondent (TV)’ means a person in charge of reporting for news and current affairs and also presentation as far as possible.
25. ‘Manager State Bureau Capital’ means a person who guides and directs collection of news of all types in a State Capital.
26. ‘Chief Librarian’ means a person who supervises the work of Librarians engaged in preparation and maintenance of records relating to news and views which are used as background or fill out for News stories.
Group – IV
27. ‘Chief Sub-Editor’ means a person in the metropolitan center who regularly takes charge of a shift on the editorial desk, assigns and supervises the work of Sub-Editors.
28. ‘Deputy Chief Sub-Editor or Senior Sub-Editor’ means a person in the metropolitan center who is regularly assigned to take charge of a shift other than the main shifts on the editorial desk or whose regular duties includes preparation of news dispatches for special subscribers.
29. Sub-Editor’ means a person who receives, selects, shortens, summarizes, elaborates, translates, edits and headlines news items of all descriptions and he may do some or all the functions.
30. ‘Senior Correspondent’ means a person in the metropolitan center whose regular duties are to report news of Parliamentary, Political or general importance or a person regularly assigned to cover news of economic and commercial importance, Courts and national sports.
31. ‘Senior Librarian’ means a person who is engaged in preparation and maintenance of records relating to news and views which are used as background or fill out for News stories.
Group – V
32. ‘Senior Reporter’ means a person whose regular duties include reporting of State Government news or proceedings of State Legislature.
33. ‘Reporter’ means a person who gathers and presents the news of a particular center.
34. ‘Senior Photographer’ means a person who covers major assignments of public interest and who is a person with some experience and acts in the absence of chief photographer.
35. ‘Assistant Producer-cum-Reporter’ means a person who assists in production as well as helps in reporting events for the T.V. service, including research and reporting.
36. ‘Correspondent’ means a person who gathers and dispatches by wire, post or any other means, news from any center.
37. ‘Photographer’ means a person who covers news events of public interest through photographs.
38. ‘T.V. Reporter’ means a person who gathers and presents news for television wing at a particular center.
39. ‘Librarian’ means a person who prepares and maintains records relating to news and views which are used as background or fill out for News stories.
(Grouping of Non-Journalist Employees– Administration Staff in News Agencies Establishments)
Group IA:
Vice President, Senior General Manager or General Manager, Chief of Administration, Financial Controller-cum-Secretary;
Group 1:
Chief Engineer; Manager (Personnel); Accounts Manager, Manager (Promotion and Development), Manager (Technical Coordination), Personnel Officer, Chief Accountant, Company Secretary; Deputy Chief Internal Auditor
Group 2:
Regional Engineer, Regional Transmission Incharge, Administrative Officer and equivalent post, Accounts Officer, Internal Auditor and equivalent administrative posts, Video Editor, Engineer (T.V.), Sound Recordist, Cameraman, Electronic Engineer (R&D), Engineer, Cashier, Sr. Traffic Supervisor, Sr. Commercial Supervisor.
Group 3:
Transmission Supervisor, Caretaker and other equivalent posts, Production Assistant, Traffic Supervisor, Supervisor (Accounts), Lighting Assistant, Commercial Supervisor.
Group 4:
Senior Commercial Assistant, Senior Operator, Senior Technician, Assistant Stenographer, Junior Engineer, Sr. Traffic Assistant, Sr. Assistant, Stenographer.
Group 5:
Clerk, Typist, Technician, Junior Operator, Skilled Workers, Car Driver, Telephone Operator, Junior Traffic Assistant, Junior Commercial Assistant, Junior Assistant (Accounts), Junior Assistant
Group 6:
Attender, Machine Attender, Havaldar, Record Keeper, Gestetner Operator, Peon, Sweeper, Chowkidar, Mali, Messenger boy.
NOTE – (i) Any newspaper employee of news agencies employed with any designation different from those enumerated in the schedule, but doing the same or similar nature of job, of any group in the schedule, shall be deemed to be a non-journalist in that group.
(ii) All categories of employees mentioned in the schedule may or may not exist in every class of news agency.
A. Working Journalists
Class of New Agency Establishment
<--- Scales of Pay for Group of Employees --->
Variable Pay
(% of Basic Pay)
(Rs.60 crore and above)
<----- NO SCALE ----->
Rs.25000-ARI (4%)-54800
Rs.22000-ARI (4%)-48300
Rs.19000-ARI (4%)-41700
Rs.17000-ARI (4%)-37300
Rs.15000-ARI (4%)-32900
(Rs.30 crore and above but less than Rs.60 crore)
Rs.22000-ARI (4%)-48300
Rs.20000-ARI (4%)-43900
Rs.18000-ARI (4%)-39500
Rs.16000-ARI (4%)-35100
Rs.14000-ARI (4%)-30700
(Rs.10 crore and above but less than Rs.30 crore)
Rs.14000-ARI (2.5%)-23000
Rs.13000-ARI (2.5%)-21400
Rs.12000-ARI (2.5%)-19700
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
(Less than Rs.10 crore)
Rs.12000-ARI (2%)-17900
Rs.11000-ARI (2%)-16400
Rs.10000-ARI (2%)-15900
Rs.9000-ARI (2%)-13400
Rs.8000-ARI (2%)-11900
Note: ‘ARI’ stands for Annual Rate of Increment
B. Non – Journalists (Administrative Staff)
Class of New Agency Establishment
<--- Scales of Pay for Group of Employees --->
Variable Pay (% of Basic Pay)
(Rs.60 crore and above)
<----- NO SCALE ----->
Rs.17500-ARI (4%)-38400
Rs.15000-ARI (4%)-32900
Rs.13000-ARI (4%)-28500
Rs.12000-ARI (4%)-26300
Rs.10000-ARI (4%)-22000
Rs.9000-ARI (4%)-19800
(Rs.30 crore and above but less than Rs.60 crore)
Rs.16000-ARI (4%)-35100
Rs.14000-ARI (4%)-30700
Rs.12000-ARI (4%)-26300
Rs.11000-ARI (4%)-24100
Rs.9000-ARI (4%)-19800
Rs.8500-ARI (4%)-18700
(Rs.10 crore and above but less than Rs.30 crore)
Rs.11000-ARI (2.5%)-18100
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
Rs.8500-ARI (2.5%)-14000
Rs.7500-ARI (2.5%)-12300
Rs.7000-ARI (2.5%)-11500
(Less than Rs.10 crore)
Rs.10000-ARI (2.5%)-16400
Rs.9000-ARI (2.5%)-14800
Rs.8500-ARI (2.5%)-14000
Rs.8000-ARI (2.5%)-13200
Rs.7000-ARI (2.5%)-11500
Note: ‘ARI’ stands for Annual Rate of Increment
Table – III
Formula for calculating Dearness Allowance:
The formula for calculating Dearness Allowance would be the percentage increase of all-India Average Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (Base 2001=100) in preceding 12 months in question over the all-India Average Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (Base 2001=100) at 167 for the year July 2009 to June 2010 payable bi-annually with effect from 1st July and 1st January every year, which would be then be multiplied by the rate of neutralization and Basic Pay. Mathematically, it can be put as follows:
All-India Annual Average CPI – IW
(Preceding 12 months in question)
All-India Annual Average CPI – IW
(July 2009 to June 2010)
Dearness Allowance = ------------------------------------------ X Rate of Neutralization(1.0) X Basic Pay
All-India Annual Average CPI – IW
(July 2009 to June 2010)
Table – IV
Classification of Cities
AREA – “Xâ€
Sl. No.
Sl. No.
Delhi and adjoining NCR areas of Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Noida
Hyderabad / Secunderabad
Greater Mumbai / Navi-Mumbai
AREA – “Yâ€
AREA – “Y†Continued……..
Jalandhar Cantonment
Durg-Bhilai Nagar
Area “Z†will comprise all areas not mentioned in this list.
Note: U. A. stands for Urban Agglomeration.
File No. V – 24032 / 1 / 2011 – WB
Deputy Director General
The Manager,
Government of India Press