Deep concern expressed over attacks on media persons, National Union of Journalists (India) demanded strict action from the governments(Detail Page)

Deep concern expressed over attacks on media persons, National Union of Journalists (India) demanded strict action from the governments

National Union of Journalist(I)
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Deep concern expressed over attacks on media persons
National Union of Journalists (India) demanded strict action from the governments
Vijayawada, December 11, 2024. The National Union of Journalists India (NUJ) has expressed deep concern over the increase in atrocities, attacks and humiliating incidents on journalists across the country. The National Executive meeting of the country's leading journalist organization NUJ was held in Vijayawada on Wednesday under the aegis of the Journalists Association of Andhra Pradesh (JAAP). The meeting held at Vijayawada Club, presided by NUJI National President Ras Bihari expressed regret over the attacks on journalists in the northeastern states as well as southern states. The meeting strongly condemned the attack on journalists by the family of Telugu film actor Mohan Babu. The NUJI passed a resolution asking the central and state governments to take strict action to prevent future attacks.
NUJI believes that fake news is the biggest challenge before the media. In the meeting held at Vijayawada, concern was expressed that fake and unverified news is being made viral at any time by vested interests in print, electronic and digital media as well as on several social platforms. Fake and false news is a big challenge before the society which is becoming a curse for credible journalists. Journalist organizations have been called upon to join hands to save the media from fake and false news and protect its credibility. It was decided that media houses and journalist organizations should come forward to curb fake news. Another resolution requested that a Media Council should be formed in place of Press Council at the national level.
NUK National General Secretary Manoj Tiwari moved resolutions in this regard. It was also emphasized that the welfare schemes for journalists in the state should be restored. JAAP President MDVSR Punnam Raju stressed on reviving journalist welfare programs implemented by previous governments in Andhra Pradesh as well as Telangana. He appealed for a permanent solution to issues like providing recognition for journalists, implementation of health insurance and housing. JAAP General Secretary M.Yugandhar Reddy demanded reconsideration of the recent Supreme Court decision on allotment of house plots to journalists. He said that this is nothing less than a setback for journalists. NUJI Vice President Shiva Kumar drew the attention of the people present to the problems faced by journalists across the country. NUJ representatives from 20 states across the country as well as a large number of JAAP members from various districts of the state participated in this meeting.

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