Stress laid on safety and security of journalists in 13th triennial conference of the Journalist Association of Assam(Detail Page)

Stress laid on safety and security of journalists in 13th triennial conference of the Journalist Association of Assam

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Stress laid on safety and security of journalists in 13th triennial conference of the Journalist Association of Assam  Bhupen Goswami (04/03/2019) Image Not Found  GUWAHATI : The 13th triennial conference of the Journalist Association of Assam (JAA), organized under the aegis of JAA Morigaon at Jagiroad College, concluded on Sunday. The conference began with hoisting of JAA flag by president Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty in the morning followed by the last executive. The delegate session began with lighting of ceremonial lamp by National Union of Journalist, India (NUJI) president and Economic Editor of Ananda Bazar Patrika. The session was also addressed by editor of Rashtriya Khabar, Rajat Kumar Gupta, NJUI general secretaries Shiv Kumar Agarwal and Bhupen Goswami and JAA State working president Dalim Phukan. The session was chaired by Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty. Meanwhile, the delegate session constituted the new office bearers of the JAA. As per the resolution, Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty was elected as president, Anup Biswas as working president ,Mayur Goswami as vice-president and Dalim Phukan as general secretary. On Sunday, the first executive meeting of the new committee was held in the morning while the open session and the seminar on ‘Safety and security of journalists-Duties and Responsibility on the part of the government’ was held with Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty in the chair. The session was addressed by the Chief Minister’s media advisor Hrishikesh Goswami, Pragyanand Choudhary, Rajat Gupta, Shiv Kumar Agarwal and Jagiroad College Principal Dr.Bhaben Chandra Neog. The souvenir JAA Barta was released by Morigaon MLA Ramakanta Dewri while the welcome address was delivered by newly-elected general secretary of JAA, Dalim Phukan. The conference stressed the need for introduction of journalist protection act for the safety and security of journalists. Morigaon DC Rituraj Bora also attended the open session of the JAA conference.The 13th triennial conference of the Journalist Association of Assam (JAA), discussed several issues relating to the problems being faced by the State’s journalists. The delegation urged the Governor to initiate steps to ensure protection of the interests of the journalists in the State. JAA delegare session passed some resolution and demanded a legislation for safeguarding the journalists, formation of a media council, medical aid and insurance for all the journalists and their families covering all the journalists under the government pension scheme, among others.Rajat kr. Gupta , Editor of Rashtriya Khabar, while addressing the meeting as special guest, dwelt at length on how modern technology had opened up new avenues for journalists to carry the correct information about wars, conflicts and various disastrous situations faced by mankind in the present era.Gupta cautioned journalists against falling easy prey to the cunning manoeuvres of the gigantic corporate houses who had been taking over the helm of affairs of the media throughout the world.Bhupen Goswami, former general secretary of JAA felicitated for his longtime contribution of Journalists society.

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